

September 5, 2023
Posted by:
Jim Henderson

Shopping for the right mover in Naples, FL can be very confusing. There are many, many moving companies to find on the internet and most are either very new or, do not have a presence in Naples, FL at all. A fancy, expensive looking website can easily lure unsuspecting Naples, FL homeowners into considering these companies for their move.

Being well established in Naples, FL for over 23 years, the William C Huff White Glove Moving and Storage Company knows a lot about how hiring the wrong company can be disastrous. Often, when homeowners have not chosen to use the William C Huff Companies for their first move, they end up calling choosing us the next time they move. Here are 3 quick considerations for moving when shopping for movers in Naples, FL:

This may sound corny but, with the internet, it is easy to make it appear that a company is local but, they actually are not. This usually means the company will “third party” the services, or contract out, the move to whoever is willing to do the work for the cheapest fixed price. This always ends up being a total disaster. These companies often send in labor pool people who have little or no experience and many times the truck is not large enough for the items being moved. The best way to know a company is real in Naples, FL is to just stop into the office. This way you have an opportunity to see how they run the business, get to meet the people you talk with on the phone and, can usually get some packing materials to help you get started packing for your upcoming move. The William C Huff White Glove Moving and Storage Company always welcomes potential clients to stop in during business hours from 8 to 5 to meet staff and get a tour of the facilities, if they like. We are proud of our “negative carbon footprint,44,000 square foot facilities that is climate controlled by over 528 solar panels. And, we gladly supply clients with free, used moving supplies (whenever we have them) because we like to keep as many boxes from being recycled as possible.

I believe most people know how to tell fake on-line reviews from real ones. The ones that basically say the exact same thing with just a few changes in the wording are mostly all fake to make the company appear to be in good standing. If the reviews start out with, “Bob and Tom couldn’t have been better…The movers were very helpful…And the price was competitive…” These are mostly fake. One of the places to check a company’s standing is “” this site is usually filled with real complaints about experiences with moving companies. There are no registered complaints with about the William C Huff Companies. Actually, to our knowledge there have only been 3 recorded complaints against the William C Huff White Glove Moving and Storage Companies in the past 30 years. In all three instances, the complaints were unwarranted as we did everything to resolve any issues and we still had complaints written. However, with over 50,000 successful moves to our credit, Naples FL homeowners can be assured that they will have a great experience using the William C Huff Company.

This is something that many Naples, FL homeowners neglect to do and, often they have to use whatever company is available. Just like a great restaurant or a great wedding planner, if you don’t schedule early, they are going to be busy. Settling for a company who is available last minute is always going to be unpleasant. The rule of thumb for scheduling your move with the William C Huff Companies is about 6 weeks ahead of when you believe you might be moving. We realize this may be difficult as you might not know closing dates however, an early “heads up” call to our office that you “might be” moving in 6 weeks, allows us to “preschedule” the potential move. As we are always in demand, it is never a problem to shuffle dates around as the final move date becomes clearer. In summary, Naples FL is a growing very quickly. There are over 1300 people per day moving into the state of Florida and this means that many of them are moving in the Naples, FL area. When considering a moving company in Naples FL, always consider using the services of William C Huff White Glove Moving and Storage. We may not always be able to accommodate all those who consider using our services but, we always guarantee 100% satisfaction to all of our over 50,000 clients we have served over the years. We hope this is helpful guidance.

William C. Huff Companies is committed to simplifying the complicated maze of moving and storing your priceless possessions. With over 40 full-time, tenured, and highly trained staff, you can be assured that your move will be handled smoothly and professionally, from the first phone call until the last box is unpacked.