
Giving Back; Just Another Day at William C Huff Companies

September 5, 2023
Posted by:
Jim Henderson

On Saturday the staff of William C Huff hosted the 6th annual fundraising concert for a local charity that provides services to Guatemala. As many fundraisers go, this was not the biggest money maker for Miracles in Action, however it was the spirit of giving that really was captured in this annual event hosted by staff from William C Huff. It all began 6 years ago when one of our most senior staff member’s wife (then girlfriend) was diagnosed with breast cancer. A few members of our management team decided to host a fundraiser party to assist with the cancer treatment bills. The event was dubbed Stoufrethfest, a merging of the names of our staff member and his girlfriend. In every following year the event was held with a different local charity receiving the funds raised. Charities have included the Kowiachobee Animal Preserve, My Hope Chest, Family to Family and private families in need. The party continues to grow in size and popularity each year. This year’s event was months in the planning and executed by a group of more than over 15 amazingly dedicated people. Over 2 ½ acres were groomed and decorated for festivities that covered much of Saturday and continued into the wee hours of Sunday morning. A stage and massive lighting truss were erected for the six live bands that performed, including the debut of a 13 year old ukulele player with an angelic voice, rock and blues bands and a club DJ. One thing that is a common thread with the staff at William C Huff: a sense of family that is connected with our surrounding community. We all know that we are incredibly blessed to have all we have and that giving back should not be an obligation but, a celebration that speaks to our fortunes while, at the same time, providing for those in need. Please check out some of our pictures and, maybe make plans to attend next year’s celebration of giving!

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