

September 5, 2023
Posted by:
Jim Henderson

When we consider how to fulfill the requirements of our current generations, it's essential to evaluate what those needs are. It's all too easy to become convinced that we need a more extravagant house or a flashier car, but in actuality, do we really need those things? It's all too often the result of pervasive marketing and advertising that attempts to persuade us that we are incapable of living without a certain item. Do we truly need more high-end clothes or the newest $250 Nike sneakers?

These concerns may not seem to be connected to sustainability, however, the stark truth is that our desire to “keep up with the Jones” contributes to an immense growth in our carbon footprint. Most of what we deem to be our “needs” are nothing more than luxuries, and those luxuries come at the expense of the resources needed to provide the fundamental needs of our current generations - like basic food, clothing, and shelter.

Over the past four generations, our country has taken billions in taxes that were purportedly used to meet the requirements of those who are less fortunate. Regrettably, it's abundantly clear that these vast amounts of money have not succeeded in improving the quality of life for those in need. On the contrary, there are now more people living on the streets, in foster care, relying on welfare, and living in nursing homes subsidized by the government than ever before.

We've seen people reach the top of the proverbial ladder of success through hard work and sacrifice, all in an effort to get the things that the wider society claims we must have, while many people still lack the essentials. Meanwhile, there are more multi-millionaires and Billionaires than ever before. The gap between those who have and those who don't is becoming increasingly apparent.

It's obvious that the requirements of today's generations, from the youngest to the oldest, have yet to be met. Thus, if our current generations are not having their needs met, how can we expect that our future generations will be in a better situation? It stands to reason that these existing needs will only grow in magnitude for the generations to come.

One of the most basic and important strategies for addressing the requirements of current generations is providing lasting employment in which families or individuals can receive their basic necessities - including housing, food, and transportation. Having a secure job provides a sense of wellbeing and is likely to result in families staying together for a longer period of time.

The William C. Huff Companies have used long-term employment as a main pillar of their business model. Having skilled and veteran staff members has allowed them to create long-term client relationships, thereby keeping staff members employed for a longer period of time - a win-win for everyone involved. Meeting the needs of today's generations is an essential part of William C. Huff's sustainability program.

William C. Huff Companies is committed to simplifying the complicated maze of moving and storing your priceless possessions. With over 40 full-time, tenured, and highly trained staff, you can be assured that your move will be handled smoothly and professionally, from the first phone call until the last box is unpacked.