Looking for our White Glove Services? Go to our white glove moving services here.
When someone refers to “white glove service” they generally mean that it is over the top, something only the wealthy have the ability to afford. We often picture a butler with long a long tail coat and white gloves standing in an entry way handing someone the keys to the car or passing out tea.
As Americans have become more prosperous they have been able to acquire more expensive items for their homes. When it is time to move these items the home owner does not want just a normal moving company handling these items. It is this image of impeccable care that the “white gloves” display that causes them to search the internet for white glove moving services. There are many companies who have notice this and are capitalizing on the new need for uncompromising services. However, just because the moving company sends in men wearing white gloves it does not necessarily mean the home owner will receive the white glove service they have imagined.
Several years ago we recognized the need to provide superior service to our clients, some of whom were in the billionaire status. Although we had tenured staff with many years of experience, working in a “white glove” type estate meant a whole lot more than just having experience and putting on white gloves. In fact, being in an estate where there were butlers and service staff, it became clear that there are certain protocols that are standard for these homes. Confidentiality, privacy and security are the top concerns for most estate owners.
The William C Huff Companies got involved with a national organization, DEMA (Domestic Estate Management Association) almost 6 years ago. This organization is made up of many private service professionals (PSP’s) and other service providers who understand what it means to serve at the highest level. As a founding chapter member of the Naples chapter of DEMA, we have learned much from these professionals.
Because of this involvement we have had the connections to get specialized training in areas of art and wine as well as in depth image and protocol training. Our staff recently finished an intensive handling and crating seminar put on by Merv Richard, Chief Conservator at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. Our men have also been trained in wine handling by Claude Robbins, founder of the International Wine Institute in Denver, CO. So you can rest assured that when our staff shows up at a large estate or, even just your average house, they actually deliver true white glove service.
William C. Huff Companies is committed to simplifying the complicated maze of moving and storing your priceless possessions. With over 40 full-time, tenured, and highly trained staff, you can be assured that your move will be handled smoothly and professionally, from the first phone call until the last box is unpacked.